Debora Camacho ’25
Scholarship Recipient

Why Smith?
Who wouldn’t want to attend Smith? After I researched the school and talked with alums and current Smithies, I knew this was the place for me. The people you meet on campus are compassionate and ready to create change in the world. I wanted to be a part of that. I’m grateful I was given a generous financial aid package—this has allowed me to walk with other Smithies and find my voice as I navigate college.
What does being a Smithie mean to you?
Being a Smithie is knowing you are not alone. I find myself talking with close friends at Smith about anything—those are moments to cherish. It’s always reassuring when others can relate to you and give advice.
What has financial aid meant to you?
Financial aid played a huge part in my decisions about college. Others say to not worry about the money, but I believe no one wants to be in debt. My family didn’t really understand the process of applying for financial aid and neither did I, but it was what I had to do for my future. Without financial aid, I wouldn’t be here.
“I shifted my mindset from ‘I don't deserve this’ to ‘I worked my butt off and have every right to be here!’ And here I am, still at Smith and doing great things!”
What do you hope to do after graduation?
I’m not sure yet, but my goal is to impact the lives of others in beneficial ways!
What challenges did you meet to get to Smith?
A feeling of imposter syndrome. Where I'm from, receiving a high school degree was enough and no one thought about what to do after that. I was so shocked when I got into Smith because I didn't believe in my abilities. When I set foot on campus, that's when it hit. I kept questioning if I made the right choice and if I even deserved a spot at such an amazing school. I overcame this by opening up with close friends and reading stories online of others experiencing the same feelings. I shifted my mindset from "I don't deserve this" to "I worked my butt off and have every right to be here!" And here I am, still at Smith and doing great things!
Is there an accomplishment at Smith you’re particularly proud of?
I participated in an event called Smith Collaboration where students present research they’ve been working on. I am not the greatest public speaker, I stutter a lot. But, this time was different. I practiced what to say with my friends, wrote note cards and told myself that even if I stutter a bit or forget my words for a moment, it's alright. I understood that you will make mistakes, but you grow from them.
“The people you meet on campus are compassionate and ready to create change in the world. I wanted to be a part of that.”
Who has had the most impact on you?
My mother and godmother. My mother always encouraged me to try new things, meet new people, and figure out what makes me happy. My godmother is very faithful and helped me keep sight of my own faith.
What is your favorite thing at Smith?
Hanging out with my friends all around campus. Some days we’re in the campus center watching a comedy show, others we’re in one of our common rooms watching a movie.
Is there a Smith faculty member who stands out for you?
My mentor for the AEMES program, Madeleine DelVicario. I enjoy our chats in the Jandon Center and working together on amazing projects.
What’s an opportunity you’ve had at Smith that changed you?
I was featured in an article in the Grécourt Gate called "Community-Minded: Smithies Contribute to New Northampton Resilience Hub." It talks about the Northampton Resilience Hub that will offer a wide range of support for the local community. While it is still in the making, I hope I'll be here to see it come to life!
Why is it important to give to financial aid?
Financial aid changes so many lives at Smith! No one's financial situation should be an obstacle. I am thankful every day for where I am right now—I have learned so much and formed beautiful relationships. It saddens me how quickly school is going by, but each day is filled with great moments.
Tell us your story about financial aid.
Contact Us
To make an endowed gift or to learn more about supporting financial aid at Smith, please contact Betsy Carpenter ’93, associate vice president for development, at 413-585-2052 or